Santo Domingo, October 28, 2019 – The heads of the Dominican Flavors Foundation
(Fundación Sabores Dominicanos) formally presented the Dominican Gastronomic Observatory, an organization whose goals are to carry out research, diagnosis, gather agricultural production indicators and understand the impact the local gastronomy has on the national economy.
The launching event was headed by Foundation president Bolívar Troncoso Morales; Luis Marino López, coordinator and owner of the very popular Dominican restaurants Adrián Tropical; and Juan Febles, commercial coordinator, president of the Dominican School of Food and Beverages AyB Masters.
“We have received information from sector experts and researchers from Costa Rica, Mexico and other countries who have understood the importance of Latin America having a Gastronomic Observatory. To date, sound information and indicators on this particular sector are scarce region wide. For us, this is a giant step to well position our gastronomy in the region,” he highlighted.
He also reiterated that the Observatory is a research, analysis and data center on Dominican gastronomy. It is a multi-sector space that brings together related networks that periodically and systematically brings together relevant and quality information on our gastronomic system.
Aside from recording the transformations that in the last few years and currently are taking place in the gastronomic sector, this important mechanism brings together valuable information for the formulation of public policies that will benefit the growth of the Dominican gastronomic sector.
Other participants also spoke during the event on the initiative and the goals of the Foundation, an organization that is dedicated to motivate, create and implement initiatives that will position, value and develop the Dominican gastronomic system as a sustainable tourism product.
The Observatory’s coordinator, Kelyn Tejada, presented the Foundation’s digital platform and the communication outlets that will be used to provide updated information on initiatives and on-going projects.
The launching event was held at the Salón Rosette Dimitri, Atracciones El Lago, in Santo Domingo, and invited guests included economists, educators, chefs, students and other special guests.
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.