Santo Domingo, October 14, 2019 – The poetry book, beautifully designed by Dominican designer Ninón León de Saleme, and meticulously printed by “Editora Búho,” was launched on Tuesday, October 15, at 4:00 p.m. at the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo during the V Central American Congress on Philosophy.
The book “Sapiencia poética de la Grecia antigua. Antología,[ written by poet Luis O. Brea Franco, is a compilation of poetic excerpts from ancient Greek writings.. The texts included are the most representative of that historic period, according to the book’s author, and they are organized and presented following a strict chronological order which reflected the years they were written.
The theoretical context of the book is based on the thesis of German philologist Bruno Snell in his book The Discovery of the Mind: The Greek Origins of European Thought. Snell’s book is fundamental in understanding the evolution and development of Greek culture. However, its most important contribution was to determine the various literary genres that existed at the time, such as the epic stories, choral poetry, tragedies and the historic discourse.
The book offers readers words of wisdom through the ancient excerpts selected. Another important detail of this special edition is that only 100 books were published. Each is individually numbered and signed by the author, giving the reader a very special edition of the text.
About the Author
Luis O. Brea Franco was born in Santo Domingo in 1946. He obtained a doctorate in Philosophy and History, as is an expert on Contemporary Philosophy and Aesthetics. He graduated Summa cum Laude from the University of Florence, in Italy.
At the University he also specialized in International Law and Relations and Public Finances, Economic and Financial Policies and International Economy.
He has published more than 15 books, some award-winning publications, on issues related to his professional fields and cultural affairs.
He was founder of the Philosophy Department of the Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña, in Santo Domingo, where he worked in various departments for some 25 years.
For the past 19 years he has worked in the area of cultural management. Currently, he is Secretary General of the National Commission D.R.-UNESCO.
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Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
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