Santo Domingo, April 2, 2019 – After the tremendous success of her latest production “A Piece of Lilli Jolie’s Doll” (unofficial translation), young director Licelotte Nin recently announced the upcoming presentation of her latest play “Cenicienta es Ella” (“Cinderella is Ella” – unofficial translation). The play – produced by Karina Valdez and Camilo Landestoy and co-sponsored by the theater companies Sangfauve and Otro Teatro – will run between April 11-14 in Santo Domingo.
Today, national media outlets are filled with stories related to gender violence. This particular production is meant to raise awareness among Dominicans on this particular issue. Specifically in the Dominican Republic, more than one hundred women are killed annually by their partners, motivated by hatred, contempt, pleasure, and feeling of ownership.
The play “Cenicienta es Ella” is a modern version of the story written by Arthur Rackham in 1919. Although the main character is no longer a princess, she becomes a heroine capable of overcoming the death of her mother at the hands of her father. Her survival empowers her and leads her to question the role of women in modern-day society.
In this particular production Johanna González, Juan Manuel Gautier, Indiana Brito, Karina Valdez and Camilo Landestoy bring to life the characters in the play.
“Her story is very similar to the story of many of our children and youngsters…’What happens to them? How do they overcome the rage that paralyzes them every time you think of the horrendous tragedy?’, explained director Licelotte Nin. She also explains that the play is the story of Cinderella, who in this particular production goes by the name of Ella, and the help and support she receives from her Fairy Godfather. He helps her overcome the traumatic experience she suffered so that she can continue on with her life, without self-destructing.
The play, for children 15 and over, will be presented at the Sala Ravelo of Santo Domingo’s National Theater. “Cenicienta es Ella” is the story of equality among humans, and questions ideas on life and death. But most importantly, it promotes kindness as a main engine of society.
About the Producers
Otro Teatro. This independent theater company has accumulated more than 10 years’ experience in the Dominican Republic. Founded by graduates of the National School of Dramatic Arts in 2007, the company has produced all kinds of theater events and was nominated in the “Best Play Category” in the country’s equivalent to the Oscars. Its main goal is to produce vanguard plays, with the highest professional quality and international appeal. It also works to promote theater production among the younger generation in the Dominican Republic.
Compañía Sangfauve. This French-Dominican theater company was founded in 2015 by directors, actors and writers Clara Benoit-Casanova and Licelotte Nin. The company encourages experimental and visual productions based on current themes. Through fiction and scenic images, the company looks to open the doors to the spectator’s imagination.
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.