Santo Domingo, September 4, 2018 – The Office of the Vice President, through the program Progresando con Solidaridad (Prosoli), announced the opening of the Sixth Annual Award on Volunteerism. The goal of the initiative, launched by Vice President Dr. Margarita Cedeño, is to recognize the disinterested actions of individuals who contribute to the country’s sustainable development.
The award, which is part of the Alliance Against Poverty, recognizes the humanitarian efforts carried out by individuals who contribute to the development of priority areas established by the National Development Strategy, the Sustainable Development Objectives and the Social Protection Network of the Coordination Cabinet of Social Policies.
Who May Participate:
Participants who may participate are those who have worked to benefit programs to reduce poverty, involvement in border-region issues; work to improve education, health, children, youth and women’s’ rights; social inclusion; the environment and natural resources; social participation and citizen’s rights; community development, sports and culture. The individuals nominated must be sponsored by a public or private institution.
All participants must fill out an application available in the following website: All required documents must be sent by October 31, 2018 to the following email: All information on the registration process are also found in the website. Printed copies of the application may also be turned in at the Progresando con Solidaridad (Prosoli) office, situated on Leopoldo Navarro Avenue, #61, sixth floor.
All awards will be personally issued by Vice President Margarita Cedeño during a special event to be held on the International Day of Volunteers, held every year on December 5 since 2013 in compliance with Law 61-13, which establishes the guidelines for volunteerism activities in the Dominican Republic.
Article 19 of the abovementioned law establishes that the Dominican State must promote, working together with civil society organizations, the establishment of technical assistance, promotional campaigns and recognize the work carried out by volunteers.
At the same time, the National Development Strategy is oriented to promote this initiative as a mechanism to allow the population to participate in development and solidarity actions.
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.