Santo Domingo, November 20, 2019 – The Ministry of Culture officially opened on November 19 the XIXth “Emilio Aparicio” 2019 Amateur Theater Festival. The festival was part of the program organized to celebrate the 12th anniversary of the Narciso González Cultural Center in Santo Domingo.
The event opened at 7:00 p.m. in the popular community center, situated in the northern neighborhood of Villa Juana, in Santo Domingo.
During the opening event, Dominican amateur actors – members of the theater group “Cayena” – presented “Los Diablos” [The Devils, unofficial translation], a play written by playwright Giovanni Cruz. The play tells the story of the origins of the Dominican Carnival and culture. During the opening act, the play delves into the roots of the Dominican carnival tradition.
The program included the participation of 18 theater groups, representing some of the country’s provinces and the National District.
The plays were presented in the morning, afternoon and evening hours. At the same time, the Ministry of Culture relaunched the Narciso Gonzalez Cultural Center, and reported on the many activities held at the Center during 2019.
Three awards were issued to the participating theater groups. One award category was issued to Adult Theater Groups, another to Children and Youth Theater Groups and Monologues.
The winners will receive approximately US$1,500, US$1,000 and USS$500 in the Theater for Adults category. The same amounts will be issued to the Children’s Theater Groups. The winners of the Monologue Categories will receive awards valued at US$500, US$300 and US$200.
The Amateur Theater Festival “Emilio Aparicio” is an annual event organized by the Ministry of Culture, with the support of the National Drama Directorate and the Narciso González Cultural Center.
The goal of the Festival is to strengthen, stimulate and disseminate theater in the Dominican Republic. Also, to promote, stimulate and spread this cultural activity throughout the country by supporting local playwrights, productions and theater groups.
The annual event is of a competitive nature. Awards are issued to the best productions. The Festival honors Emilio Aparizio, a Spanish national who sought refuge in the Dominican Republic during the Spanish civil war. He taught theater in the Dominican Republic between 1940 through 1949.
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.