Santo Domingo, November 6, 2018 – Yolanda Borrás, the writer of children’s books, presented her latest book to the rhythm of a children’s song titled “Come to my beautiful farm.” The book, which features illustrated children’s songs, was written by author Borrás, a well-known educator and education consultant, and founder of “I’m Bilingual!,” a prestigious musical educational program in New York. Her books have received prestigious awards and recognized internationally.
“The Farm” is the second illustrated song book written by the author. Her first book “The Small Birds” (unofficial translation) received the “International Latino Book Awards” and “Purple Dragonfly Awards”.
“The Farm” is beautifully illustrated with details and elements that highlight the beauty of our countryside, and the freedom experienced by children when they come in contact with nature.
The book takes the children on a tour of a farm, guided by music and songs. It also includes creative ideas that encourage the children to learn through reading and singing, and activities that teach children to count, color, touch and play. The song that accompanies the book is available through
The book presentation was held in Santo Domingo’s prestigious “Librería Cuesta,” with the participation of the author who led the children present through a fun-filled morning of activities, guided by the book’s theme song. Other activities included puppets, dancing and free movement activities. Parents and invited adults also enjoyed the book launching event.
NOTE: The abovementioned books are available at “Librería Cuesta,” “Disesa,” and “La Novia de Villa,” all stores situated in Santo Domingo. Also, through, the official website of “I’m bilingual!”
Author Yolanda Borrás, as she presents her children’s book
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.