(Versión en español) Cultura anuncia ganadores del Premio Anual de Historia José Gabriel García
The audience of the IV edition of the DREFF chooses the film Bears as the winner of the “Audience Award 2014”Santo Domingo, October 22, 2014 Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) and its sister organization in the Dominican Republic, Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE), announced the film Bears has been this year’s “Audience … Continue reading "The audience of the IV edition of the DREFF chooses the film Bears as the winner of the “Audience Award 2014″"
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“Los enigmas del Morfeo Antillano”, Manuel Nina CisnerosSanto Domingo, October 21, 2014 On Thursday, October 23rd, at 7:00 pm, the Mirador Santo Domingo Cultural Center and the Sebelén Gallery, will open the exhibition titled “Los Enigmas del Morfeo Antillano” (The Enigmas of the Antillean Morfeo) by renowned artist Manuel Nina Cisneros, from San Cristóbal. The … Continue reading "“Los enigmas del Morfeo Antillano”, Manuel Nina Cisneros"
Dominican Commissioner of Culture Supports the 9th International Book Fair in LawrenceNew York, October 20, 2014 As part of its commitment to support book fairs where Dominican books play a leading role, the Office of the Dominican Commissioner of Culture in the United States sponsored and participated as a special guest in the 9th International … Continue reading "Dominican Commissioner of Culture Supports the 9th International Book Fair in Lawrence"
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The 1st. Dominican Commissioner of Culture Short Films Festival awards are presentedNew York, October 17, 2014 The Dominican Commissioner of Culture in the United States held the awards ceremony for the 1st ‘Light and Movement’ Short Films Festival, which took place on September 27 and 28, 2014 at the Cinema Pavilion of the 8th Dominican … Continue reading "The 1st. Dominican Commissioner of Culture Short Films Festival awards are presented"
The Ministry of Culture announces the second “Berklee in Santo Domingo” course at the CNMSanto Domingo, October 16, 2014 The second course of the musical training program between the Ministry of Culture of the Dominican Republic and the Berklee College of the United States, with the support of Juan Luis Guerra, was announced for early … Continue reading "The Ministry of Culture announces the second “Berklee in Santo Domingo” course at the CNM"
“Orgullo de mi Tierra: Descubre Puerto Plata” to be presented in New York City in collaboration with GFDDNew York, October 14, 2014 Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD), in collaboration with the Puerto Plata Tourism Cluster (Clúster del Destino Turístico Puerto Plata), the Asociación de Puertoplateños en Nueva York, Centro Cuesta Nacional (CCN) and … Continue reading "“Orgullo de mi Tierra: Descubre Puerto Plata” to be presented in New York City in collaboration with GFDD"
DREFF is warming up for its next editionWashington, October 13, 2014 The Dominican Republic Environmental Film Festival (DREFF) is already warming up to carry out its next edition, which is scheduled to be held on September 8th to the 13th, 2015, in various cities of the Dominican Republic. In this regard, several DREFF team members … Continue reading "DREFF is warming up for its next edition"
Barahoneros living in New York enjoyed the documentary Descubre Barahona-Pedernales: Orgullo de mí TierraNew York, October 13, 2014 Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) celebrated last Monday, October 6, 2014 another successful Dominican Get Together in N.Y. with the screening of the documentary Descubre Barahona-Pedernales: Orgullo de mí Tierra, event hosted by the “Asociación … Continue reading "Barahoneros living in New York enjoyed the documentary Descubre Barahona-Pedernales: Orgullo de mí Tierra"
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