(Versión en español) Cultura anuncia ganadores del Premio Anual de Historia José Gabriel García
WHY INTERN AT THE OAS? Because the Organization of American States (OAS) is the main political forum of the region that promotes and supports democracy, human rights, security and integral development in the Americas. The OAS seeks to prevent conflicts and to bring political stability, social inclusion and prosperity to the region through dialogue … Continue reading "OAS Internships – Applications for Fall Session | Session III – 2019!"
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Santo Domingo, April 23, 2019 – Guloya Restaurant recently opened its doors in Santo Domingo, highlighting in its menu the traditional cuisine of the Black immigrants that came to the country from the English-speaking Caribbean and settled in the Dominican Republic’s eastern region in the late 19th and early 20th century. The owners of Guloya … Continue reading "Guloya Restaurant: A Fine Mixture of Art and Dominican Cuisine"
Santo Domingo, April 24, 2019 – The Global Film Festival (FCGD), in coordination with the Dominican Republic’s General Film Directorate, will participate for the first time the in the Marché du Film of the Cannes Film Festival, thanks to the new initiative titled DR Global in Cannes. Both organizations have come together to present at … Continue reading "Colours Featured in the Marché du Film of the Cannes Film Festival, Thanks to the Support of the Global Film Festival and the General Film Directorate"
Santo Domingo, April 25, 2019 – The renowned Dominican director and actor Fausto Rojas returns to the local theater by participating as the lead actor in the play “La Pasión Cantada de Jacobito de Lara” (The Passion Song of Jacobito de Lara, unofficial translation), written and directed by playwright Radhamés Polanco. The play will run … Continue reading "Dominican Actor/Director Fausto Rojas Featured in Theater Production of “La Pasión Cantada de Jacobito de Lara”"
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New York, April 22, 2019 – This past Sunday, April 21, the U.N. Model Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean (NYMUNLAC 2019) opened in New York City at the Grand Hyatt Hotel Convention Center. Some 400 students from the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Chile and Colombia participated in the opening event, which opened with the … Continue reading "The U.N. Dominican Association, Funglode/GFDD and Globalmuners Open the U.N. Model Conference in New York for Latin America and the Caribbean"
New York, April 15, 2019 – On Friday, April 26, the Dominican Cultural Commission in New York City will hold a literary panel on author Jimmy Sierra’s latest novel “Idolatría”(Idolatry, non-official translation). Renowned Dominican intellectuals are expected to participate in the Commission-sponsored event, an organization that reports to the Ministry of Culture of the Dominican … Continue reading "Dominican Cultural Commission Will Hold Panel on Dominican Author Jimmy Sierra’s Latest Novel"
Santo Domingo, April 16, 2019 – The Dominican College of Psychologists recommended this past Sunday the need and urgency to include psychological services in the National Strategy for Primary Care. The College announced that it will put together a series of recommendations and consultations that will facilitate these services to the population that needs mental … Continue reading "Psychologists Recommend Including Psychological Services in Primary Care Centers"
The President of IEPES LAC, Claritza de la Cruz, Expressed Interest of Young Dominicans in Chinese Culture Trade relations between the People’s Republic of China and the Dominican Republic have experienced an impressive growth, just one year after both nations decided to establish diplomatic relations. The information was provided by his Excellency, Chinese Ambassador Zhang … Continue reading "The Dominican Republic and China Report Significant Growth in Trade Relations and in the Number of Visa Requests, Just One Year After Establishment of Diplomatic Relations"
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