Dominicana Online » Noticias » National Visual Arts School Inaugurates “Decisive Landscapes, Didactic Exhibition”

National Visual Arts School Inaugurates “Decisive Landscapes, Didactic Exhibition”

Escuela Nacional de Artes Visuales inaugura “Paisajes Decisivos, exposición didáctica”
National Visual Arts School Inaugurates “Decisive Landscapes, Didactic Exhibition”

The Ministry of Culture’s National Visual Arts School inaugurated its painting show “Decisive Landscapes, Didactic Exhibition” made up of the work of former the institutions former students.

The exhibition contains 31 large and small paintings in oil and acrylic on canvas.

The show’s 19 participants include Ana María De León, Abraham Pérez, Carolina Bencosme, Cristóbal Kelvin Angulo, Elizabeth Cepeda, Leslie Jiménez, Miguel Villanueva, Modesto Santiago, Félix Rodríguez, Samuel Tavárez, Sócrates Troncoso, Vicente Pichardo, Venus Guerrero, Wallroger Nina, Sara Pérez, Salvador Suero, Renè Guzmán and Madeline Jiménez. 

The exhibition contains 31 large and small paintings in oil and acrylic on canvas.

The show was coordinated and curated by Professor Carlos Montesino. It is a reflection of important details about the advancement in the work of the former students of National Visual Arts School.

The show is being held in the Jaime Colson Exhibition Hall on El Conde Street at the corner of Isabel la Católica Street in the Colonial Zone.

Photo Captions:

1. Manuel Toribio, Director National Visual Arts School; Dustín Muñoz, Clinton López, Félix Soñé and Carlos Montesino, Coordinator and Curator of the show.

2. María del Carmen Ramírez, Clinton López and Pili Monción.

General Office of Communication
Ministry of Culture


Date of publication: February 01, 2009

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