![]() | GFDD and FUNGLODE Presents «Recycling at Home» Workshop during Second Annual Geography Week Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) and Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE) have joined forces with Listin Diario’s Plan Lea this week in celebrating the Second Annual Geography Fair. The R3crearte Program is reflective of DREFF’s overall mission to interact with leading figures in the environmental community and to make a difference at a grassroots level. In its second consecutive year, the Geography fair will be held from April 17-18th at the Hotel V Centenario, and will provide opportunities for students, teachers and the general public to participate in exhibitions, seminars, lectures and workshops aimed at raising awareness on the interconnectedness of geographic areas while promoting best practices to conserve them. As part of its program, GFDD/FUNGLODE will be presenting a workshop on April 18th at 3pm entitled “Recycling at Home,” with plastic artist Bertha Santana. The workshop, which forms part of GFDD’s new R3crearte Program, will educate participants on the solid waste problem, promoting the 3Rs concept of solid waste management: reduce, reuse and recycle. The workshop will also emphasize and demonstrate how recycling waste into art can empower individuals and communities alike. The impetus behind the R3crearte Program arose from the interest sparked among students participating in the Recycled Art Workshop conducted by Bertha Santana, during the II DR Environmental Film Festival (DREFF) in 2012. Through this brand new program, GFDD hopes to engage youth groups and women’s associations into reformulating the way they think about trash. The R3crearte Program is reflective of DREFF’s overall mission to interact with leading figures in the environmental community and to make a difference at a grassroots level. The Festival aims to raise awareness and deepen understanding of environmental issues among Dominican audiences. At the same time, DREFF celebrates the beauty and diversity of the Dominican Republic’s natural heritage and offers insights intended to contribute to its appreciation, conservation and sustainable use. The III edition of the DR Environmental Film Festival will take place on September 4-8, 2013.
El Festival de Cine Global de Santo Domingo arriba a su decimoséptima edición con muchos logros y protagonistas. Los artistas internacionales y los dominicanos que han dejado su estela durante su paso por Santo Domingo y las demás ciudades que han sido sedes del Festival, son la mejor evidencia de la calidad que ha logrado el encuentro cinematográfico organizado por la Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE).