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Chef Tita presents the book “La Nueva cocina Dominicana” The internationally recognized Chef Tita, presented her new book containing 100 recipes from "La Nueva cocina Dominicana". Backed by the company Mercasid. This great project has been quite a journey between kitchens, crops, hands of farmers, fishermen, cooks and the whole country in general being captured in her book. Chef Tita thanked all those present who attended the great event for their support of "La Nueva cocina Dominicana", illustrated in a great book. The book launch was held at the prestigious place ROOFTOP NOVOCENTRO before distinguished personalities from all sectors of Dominican society. Chef Tita’s words were very moving and the audience listened with passion to her speech full of humility, knowledge of the Dominican cuisine and many thanks were given to all who have supported her career. What Chef Tita said in the presentation of her book “La Nueva cocina Dominicana": "Good evening, today is a super special day because I see being born a project I have dreamed of and it has been designed with much love. To create my own cookbook is one of the items I had on my dream list, a list of dreams that every day I give to God and thank Him for and a company that shares with me the love I have for this beautiful country, as it is Mercasid, today is a reality.” "I just put the seasoning, as would any Dominican say, but Mercasid with its product Crisol that put all its effort and commitment to create a culinary work that will enhance today’s Dominican kitchens seeking to bring the richest of our past in mouthfuls of modernity and flavors.” "Mercasid has given a great boost to this great project of the New Dominican Cuisine that has been quite a journey between kitchens, crops, hands of farmers and fishermen, chefs and the whole country in general.” "Crisol has always been able to create a solid foundation in positive initiatives for us Dominicans and that is why I feel very proud that we worked together on this wonderful project.” "I’m an advocate of our heritage, lover of my country and the exquisiteness that our land produces, so one day I decided to serve as an engine for the Dominican cuisine, to shine at the height of the best cuisines in the world and it’s taken 5 years already on a journey of culinary research that begins by publicizing the Dominican cuisine.” “This project has involved producers, farmers, chefs, students, conferences and events, international talks and a profound work that have joined Chefs and local restaurants. But today all this becomes more valuable because this great project joins this book “La Nueva cocina Dominicana”. "For that we go looking for explanations, facts and moments in history where we find touches of flavors that were marking this beautiful journey with Crisol for the creation of this formidable publication". "We chose the most emblematic ingredients of our country from production areas and rescue ancient recipes and reinvent them to create a cuisine adapted to our times.” “ ‘La Nueva cocina Dominicana’ is inspired by local products and hands that day to day give birth to local products. I think it has come time for our country’s farmers to leave anonymity and become the protagonists of our kitchens.” "Each product carried my world of creativity and each recipe was created between us into the taste of our own, it was cooked and approved by a large loving team of fine cuisine and full of love for this project, 100 recipes from "La Nueva cocina Dominicana" divided between appetizers, entrees, main dishes, desserts and drinks, we have also reflected on bans in our country, marine fish species on our coasts and routes of the most important Dominican products of the island. “The process of creating this book has lasted two years where the team managed to become a big family thanks to the food. Gastronomy has no borders and as I always say the kitchen unites us and makes magic at the tables of Dominican households and around the world which is why I have insisted that ours exceeds borders and spreading its magic to everyone. “This book reflects delicious, easy and authentic recipes, a cuisine developed in order to project our kitchen at a national and international level, embrace with pride our identity because in it I find inspiration, work in a sustainable way to support local production, and evolve our gastronomic proposal. We also hope to improve with Crisol by feeding the Dominican people knowledge about how the kitchen goes beyond what we put in our mouths and how they can use the kitchen as a weapon of change to contribute to the Dominican society. With this cultural movement, this work is full of flavor and dreams that I hope is a dream for you too, because the Nueva Cocina Dominicana is everyone’s, but behind this work there are many people involved to which I have to thank for today: “First, Mercasid for believing in me and in my project and accompanying me at all times from the beginning of my career and that wonderful team comprises of: José Miguel Bonetti, Ligia Bonetti, Marianne Ecklark, Joan Patricia Landolfi.” “To my beautiful family: My parents are my role models and my beloved brothers without you none of this would be possible, I love you.” “Martin Berasategui, my teacher who believed in this project and supports this new cuisine of our country. Thank you for that beautiful prologue, Xaby Gutierrez for so much poetry in your lyrics and much love and our Hugo Tolentino Dip for all his wisdom that he has taught me, I am forever thankful.” “To my dear Jose Llano because you believed in me from the start. My chef friends, children of the world: Emil Vega is such an important part of this project. Thanks for all my soulmates Bruno Tosso, Ariel Penalva, Catherine Lemoine, Chanell Molina, Saverio Stassi, all my admiration and respect for all of you, thanks for supporting me.” “Cristian Martinez, Director of the Museum of Dominican Man, and Thimo Pimentel, great friends and collaborators as I learn from you. To all my chefs who support me, Pilar Conztanzo, Navia Salcedo, Ruben Reff Check. Eunice Pereira for that wonderful design. David Pou for these spectacular pictures.” “Thanks to the new generation of chefs and veterans for listening. Support and join this great defense on our own. To my friends in the press who have been as important as any of the chefs who accompany me every day. They have put their ingredient so that my new kitchen project is not left in a kitchen but transcends through their media. They have also been part of this. And finally I dedicate this book to Taina, my best creation. The book will be on sale at Libreria Cuesta and next week on Amazon.” Source: www.zabalaaldia.com
El Festival de Cine Global de Santo Domingo arriba a su decimoséptima edición con muchos logros y protagonistas. Los artistas internacionales y los dominicanos que han dejado su estela durante su paso por Santo Domingo y las demás ciudades que han sido sedes del Festival, son la mejor evidencia de la calidad que ha logrado el encuentro cinematográfico organizado por la Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE).