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2017 2nd Eco-Tourism World Fair in Jarabacoa

La Cámara de Comercio Dominico Francesa Celebró el Primer Festival Gastronómico Francés con Sabor Caribeño

2017 2nd Eco-Tourism World Fair in Jarabacoa
Santo Domingo, April 10, 2017

The Science and Art Foundation, which will organize the Second World Fair for Eco-Tourism and Production, taking place from November 16 to 26, 2017 in Jarabacoa, La Vega, announced the participation of the Vatican, through the Apostolic nunciature accredited in the Dominican Republic and presided over by the nuncio, Jude Thaddeus Okolo.

The Second World Fair, which seeks to contribute to Jarabacoa being among the world leaders in the area of Eco-Tourism, has the mottos "the preservation of forests and rivers” and “ biological and cultural diversity of the world.”

The nunciature, in representation of Pope Francis, will develop a series of religious and cultural activities during the Second World Fair, which this year has invited Germany to participate. This was confirmed by Jude Thaddeus Okolo, the Apostolic nuncio in communication with the president of the Science and Art Foundation, Jacqueline Boin  and with the Dominican Ambassador to Trinidad and Tobago, Dr. José Serulle Ramia, who also has been the coordinator of the National Fair for Eco-Tourism and Production since its creation in 1997.

During the Second World Fair the Vatican will display a photographic exposition of Pope Francis’ most emblematic activities and trips.
During the World Fair, Okolo, the dean of the diplomatic corps accredited in the Dominican Republic, will be in charge of the presentation of the book by Pope Francis “Laudato Si,” which relates to the protection and conservation of the environment and natural resources.

The nuncio will also present a conference about the reality of the environment in the world.

The Science and Art Foundation indicated through a press release that Okolo will attend the inauguration of the event on November 16 and will be in charge of blessing the Second World Fair for Eco-Tourism and Production.

The 2017 Second World Fair in Jarabacoa is among many worldwide activities happening in conjunction with the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, declared by the United Nations’ World Tourism Organization and Decade on Biodiversity.

La Cámara de Comercio Dominico Francesa Celebró el Primer Festival Gastronómico Francés con Sabor Caribeño



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